When Is It Time To Replace Your Bra?

We are all guilty of holding onto bras that were way past their expiration dates.
82% of the women we surveyed confessed that of all the bras they own, they actually only have 2 or 3 ‘everyday’ bras that they wear in constant rotation - generally one or two in nude and one black. This is why we believe that you ONLY need 3 everyday bras in your lingerie arsenal - One on, one in the wash and one in the cupboard. Now, this may come as a bit of a surprise but did you know that a typical “everyday” bra should only last between six months and a year (approximately 180 wears) before it’s time to replace it. Regardless of how much it cost or how well it’s been washed and cared for, every bra has an expiration date, thanks to gravity and natural wear and tear.
Here’s how to know when it’s time to trade up and buy a new bra:
Bras are made of elastic components that have been designed to stretch and return to their original shape again and again, but over time the elastic breaks down and loses its structure and integrity. One of the biggest factors in a poorly fitting bra is the band stretching out and no longer being able to do its job properly. The band of a bra is responsible for majority of the support a bra offers – almost 90%. This means that once it has lost its elasticity, your band will ride up, causing the straps to slip off, the cups to fall forward, and the underwires to collapse and dig in. If your band and/or shoulder straps are no longer as stretchy as they once were or have a ‘wavy’ appearance to them, then you aren’t getting the support you and your breast need. It's time to upgrade.
Much like the elastic components in your bra, the metal underwires that help to give the bra cups shape and structure will eventually become misshapen over time. This causes the underwires to push out of their stitching, leading to uncomfortable poking and lost underwires. Of course, you can simply push them back in and stitch up the hole but this is only a short-term fix. Once the wires have start popping out, it's a sure sign that your bra is on its last legs. This does not include the misshapen that happens when you wash your bra in the washing machine.... please don't ever do that!
Is your bra getting a little ‘hairy’? Frayed fabrics, little pieces of broken elastic, holes, faded fabric and stubborn stains are all signs of fabric degradation. You probably won’t need a magnifying glass to see this happen either; your bra will just start looking a little ragged. We all love our favourite and well-worn pair of jeans or tatty band t-shirt from back in the day, but even if “distressed” is your look, you still don’t want it showing up in your underwear wardrobe. Take the hint: It’s time for a NEW favourite bra.
Over time both fabric and moulded cups will start to lose their shape, due to bent wired, degraded elastic and general fabric breakdown. This in turn leads to uneven dimpling and rippling, making it impossible for your bra to offer you that smooth silhouette you want. While some bras are meant to be seen (take a look at our beautiful bralette blog post HERE) your T-shirt bra, for example, is specifically designed to be more discreet. As a general rule of thumb, if you can see the uneven outline of your bra under a fitted t-shirt it’s time for an upgrade!
But have you found your perfect fit yet?
If you're looking to discover your perfect fit, or have been fitted by us before and just need a refit CLICK HERE to book a fitting at a Liza Clifford Bra Fitting Studio near you or an online eFitting. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Don't forget that we've teamed up with PayJustNow to help you budget for your bra purchases better. Launched by South Africans for South Africans, PayJustNow is an attractive, responsible and rewarding alternative to credit when shopping with us online and gives you the freedom to buy what you need today and pay it off over 3 equal monthly instalments, interest-free. PayJustNow is always #zerointerest, and there are never additional fees or hidden costs when you pay on time. To find out more about PayJustNow CLICK HERE or visit: WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM
Should you have any questions, email us at INFO@LIZACLIFFORD.COM or call us on 087 135 9345 and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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