Why You Should Love Your Fit, But Not Want To Sleep In It

Okay ladies, it's time for some real talk... your bra is a supportive under garment, just like those nip-and-tuck spanks you put under your favourite bodycon dress, which means it's not going to offer all-day comfort... but, what it will offer you is all day support and an all day confidence boost. At Liza Clifford, we're passionate advocates of bras that fit... after all, there are no bad breasts and no bad bras, just bad fits!

We have had many women come into studio with complaints of "challenging" breasts... and, well, we love a good "challenge". Our cup sizes range from A - K with a variety of band sizes to compliment! This means we can fit you in your exact size - not your next best size. We often end up adjusting way-too-big band sizes down, while increasing way-too-small cup sizes up - the result: a much snugger (read: tighter) fit than what you're used to. But let's get real... you wear a bra to hold your breasts in the right place, not to give them mediocre support at a midriff level. So tight doesn't equal bad - it just means that you're going to have an adjustment period - we call in the W.I.P. Give your bra a few wears, and it will be feeling like the fabulous support garment it's meant to be in no time.

Now, as the title of this suggests - wanting to sleep in your bra means it's probably not offering you adequate support.  Your bra should be just tight enough that come end of the day, you're excited to get it off. Why? Because you need the band and the underwire to support your breast tissue, i.e. it's not the job of your straps. We frequently see women with almost-permanent trenches embedded into their shoulders from the heavy-load they have expected their bra straps to carry. When you alleviate this strain, you alleviate unnecessary muscle strain on your back, neck, and shoulders - your skin on your shoulders will also thank you! So if you're reading this, thinking how wonderfully comfortable your bra is... it's time to get fitted or time for a refit. So call us on 0861333779 (National Landline number) or e-mail us on expert@lizaclifford.com and let us introduce you to your perfect fit (not the next closest one).

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