Why Does My Bra Wire Hurt Me?
This is a common complaint and often a diagnosis before we even see our new client.
The correspondence goes like this: “I am desperately looking for a wire free bra because it hurts”
Or “I have been advised that I cannot wear a wire because it will hurt me” or “I do not wear a wire because I am allergic to it”.
If your wire hurts your breast it is the first sign that your bra cup is too small. Now don’t rush out and buy a bigger bra cup because chances are you will still be buying the incorrect size. There are a possible 15 cup sizes in any given band size. Simply put there are 15 cups for ever 30, 32, 34, 36 etc.
If your wire is placed on delicate breast tissue it will hurt, your wire needs to hold and surround the breast. This means that the wire should sit like a smile underneath your breast, it should extend from under the arm to the sternum (breast bone). If any breast tissue is caught under the wire it will hurt.
Please do not be confused with the discomfort you experience just after purchasing a new bra. This can be experienced up to five proper wears. This is called the wear in process WIP. This discomfort is often experienced just under the breast and under the arm or sternum, but it subsides over time or as you get used to wearing your proper size.
If your wire hurts you under your breast and you are sure you are wearing the correct size try moving the wire up so that there is no gap between your wire and the breast. Often discomfort is caused by the bra not supporting properly because it has not been put on properly. Make sure you SCOOP properly too. Read these guidelines: SCOOP
If you have a nasty rash under your breasts this is not caused by an allergy to your wire nor because of the wire but rather because the breast is not supported or lifted. The fold underneath your breast is a dark moist area for bacteria and fungus to breed. If your bra is not the correct size it will not lift your breast causing a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Please do not think we cannot find a bra for your breasts, we have lifted many breasts to the point where the scarring from recurring infections is exposed. Most women who have this scarring will not venture to a private fitting because they are embarrassed but this is not their fault but rather the fault of a badly fitted bra.
I hope this has helped you realise that wires are not our enemy and when fitted correctly can offer the most amazing support and shape.
Please feel free to contact us for any further information regarding this or any other problem you may have with your bra
my bra wire are killing me underneath my boobs
Thanks for the useful information!!
Hi I’ve got big breast and cant get nice sexy fitting bras where i can show cleavage
I would like to come for bra fitting because I’m not sure what size am I
Would a under wire bra help my shoulders!!!